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general joint conditions and labels

Difficulties with Labeled conditions ,Often the reason that some labeled conditions that have been given to you by your health adviser or by self-diagnosing on the internet have proven to be unsuccessful is generally due to the poorly interpretation of that Label and that creates a situation where you are at best only going to get a 60% chance of improvement and in some cases this action may make the situation more uncomfortable or show little or no improvement at all . Generally, this situation...

July 1, 2020

Understand Your SOUL emotional Conection

. You feel very out of place but aren’t sure why. You’re more-so feeling as if you’re not able to settle in comfortably. This is your soul reminding you that you’re on a journey and that your path is in need of furthering. The more comfortable you get the more stagnant you will become and your soul doesn’t want that.  You’re experiencing sleep disturbances. Sometimes when our soul is trying to make something known it will keep us up at night. Whether you’re unable to remain as...

January 20, 2020

The reason we become sick

Chronic disease is climbing in the United States at an alarming rate. Six out of 10 adults have a chronic disease, and four in 10 have two or more conditions. Our life expectancy has dropped—for the third year in a row—andheart disease and cancer are the leading causes of death in the nation.The global cost of treating chronic illnesses is projected to reach $47 trillion by the year 2030 unless something can be done to stop this epidemic. That’s where Functional Medicine comes in.Functiona...

April 16, 2019

Keep it simple supplements, and the danger of incorrect use

Keep it simple supplements, and the danger of incorrect usage We have talked about balancing the self and putting in what you take out of your body to be who you are and what you do with your day very generally speaking .if you have alabourers type involved work style You will require more good fats and protein good omega three oil with a good nerve nutritional formula daily .and enjoy a more relaxed spare time involvement to recover in where as anoffice worker sedatery style occu...

June 1, 2018

Keep it simple two

KEEP IT SIMPLE Due to the high level of confusion regarding what is good for you and what isn't and as this changes from day to day depending who you are listening too or watching as we said it is best to start by balancing the self Eliminate the stuff in your life that is being done so as to be nice ,as you possible are only doing it to emotionally blackmail someone to be nice to you .Just be who you are .balance the emotional levels by using a good nerve nutritional formula with a miner...

May 29, 2018

Attracting what you really wont

So don't create through fear a reality that you do not wont  “The Law of Attraction” is the  concept which supports the idea that we attract the energy we put out into the world. You will experience exactly what you repeatedly think that is going to happen because you subconsciously give the energy to those events. In order to experience something in your life, first of all you need to bring it into the field of consciousness by engaging your thoughts, then the thoughts become visi...

May 9, 2018

labeled conditions

labeled conditions and what they may mean spersificilly to you as an individual We will start with who and what we are and not our so called labelled complaints As all Health conditions that have a set of symptoms will finish up with it being called something or other and that's fine as it narrows down possibly what it isn't , so labels are an assistance to make an assessment of a situation of what is happening in general and  with the addition of  blood works and work history they wil...

April 10, 2018

essential oils

There is definitely credible science behind certain benefits for certain essential oils,” says Cynthia Bailey, MD, a dermatologist in Sebastopol, CA. “But you have to choose wisely, and you cannot use them indiscriminately.” How Essential Oils Work As far back as 1,000 A.D., healers used mechanical presses or steam to extract essential oils from aromatic plants. Today, practitioners can rub oil-infused lotions on the skin, where the compounds are absorbed into the bloodstream. Or they can ...

March 4, 2018

Keep it Simple

Part one The news media exist due to its extreme nature only the most frightening or life threatening situations are the order of the day to get your interest .Tv news,major daily papers and last of all mr google himself ,useful indeed used correctly . in fact it is more about the understanding self before using this often effective information to see what it maybe that you think that you may have  . Well as I was saying understand the who you are first how your particular body reacts to in...

December 9, 2017

Cant say NO

It's OK To Say No“It’s okay to say no. It’s okay to say no to someone you love. It’s okay to say no to a friend. It’s okay to say no to a parent or child. It’s okay to say no to a job or relationship. It’s okay to say no to sexual advances. And it’s okay to say no to a person who’s romantically interested in you. Even if it hurts someone’s feelings, even if you disappoint people, even if you’re judged and ostracized — it’s okay to say no to anything and anyone that ...

July 26, 2017

Baby reflexology

Below are seven common ailments that can be eased thanks to a specific massage. 1) Tooth pain Is your little one suffering from tooth pain? It can be worthwhile to massage the tips of their toes, as those zones in body correspond with the part of your body that is responsible for toothaches. As long as you do it gently, you can even do it while your baby is asleep – he won't feel a thing, but won't wake up with tooth pain either. 2) Colds and respiratory ailments Everyone catches a cold once...

June 9, 2017

Emotinal difficlutys and depresion

Depression Chris Kresser The World Health Organization states that depression is the leading cause of disability, affecting more than 120 million people worldwide. Antidepressants are now the most popular class of drugs in the U.S., and their use has been growing rapidly over the past two decades. From 1990 to 2000, prescriptions for SSRIs (the leading class of antidepressant drugs) rose by a staggering 1300%. In the last year alone, 30 million patients in the U.S. spent over $12 billion on ...

December 3, 2016


Bed wetting Generally the secrecy about a bed wetting difficulty makes the situation worse for the kids and the parents alike . Ninty % of kids think they are the only ones who wet the bed .With twice as many boys with this problem as girls They do generally naturally gain bladder control as thy age and most will have it nailed by the time they are ten . Wetting the bed leaves bad feelings all around .with frustrated parents sometimes often thinking that a child is wettin g the bed out of l...

November 15, 2016

Reduce skin ageing

Reduce Skin aging Yes!, we would probably all like to have young and healthy skin even at my age, so how do we do this and where do we start There are three main ways to improve your skin, nd this will depend on its general condition that it is in There is a great need to remember that all your skin area is like an open mouth and will absorb what you put on it regardless of where that is, so treat it all kindly but not fanatically.Clean the whole of your body but use as little soap as possible, ...

November 15, 2016

Get to the root of the Problem

The Root of the Problem Whenever someone attempts any healing, they are always trying to remove the symptom, because that is what they consider as disease. If you take away the indicator, the root of the problem still exists. The indicator manifested itself on the physical body just to bring that root to your notice. Instead of taking notice of it and seeing what should be done about it, if you just wipe out the indicator, the root will take effect in a much more drastic way in your system. What...

September 16, 2016

How often should I Pee

There is nothing more annoying at work, or during a social event, than to have to constantly get up to use the bathroom. Not only is it uncomfortable and annoying, it can also be quite embarrassing for some. The good news is that you're not necessarily stuck with a lifetime of frequent visits to the "loo." Instead, it's likely just a sign that something in your health or diet is out of balance. Most people pee between 4 and 8 times a day. You may be wondering how much is "normal" to pee in ...

September 15, 2016

No to Calcium on its own

DANGER of CALCIUM on it's OWN August 30, 2016 As you get older, it is often recommended that you take calcium to "protect your bones and teeth"... However, did you know that Calcium BY ITSELF can cause some major difficultys contributing to heart disease (arterial calcification), bone spurs, and even contributing to joint problems (joint calcification) ... The problem is that supplementing with pure calcium is dangerous because your body needs everything in balance. For exa...

September 8, 2016


As  no one is able to absorb it  without all its nature balanced of other minerals.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you get older, it is often recommended that you take calcium to "protect your bones and teeth"... However, did you know that Calcium BY ITSELF can cause some major difficulty's contributing to heart disease (arterial calcification), bone spurs, and even contributing to jo...

August 30, 2016

Going slow but quickly

Slow is Smooth and Smooth is Fast 2/23/2015 5 Comments After writing my last post, Addressing High Tension Movement Strategies, I received a question via email that I thought was worth answering here. The question: "Can you further explain the argument for the utilization of slow(er) movements as a means to reduce tension and improve output? Also does this mean that you mostly train people to just move super slow?" Here's my answer to the Two-Part question: Part 1...

July 7, 2016

EMOTIONAL RESPONSE Recommended that it is read in two parts

Good article but make it more understandable for the ave jo next time Seth from Roy Autonomic Dysfunction - Real or Not Real? 6/22/2016 16 Comments WARNING: Do not read this if you are going to read half. Do not read this article if you cling to the security of the ground below you because it may crack and then you might have to make a move. [This is a collaborative article between myself and Dr. Ben House (he wrote Part 1, I wrote Part 2 for those keeping score). I...

July 7, 2016

herbs advantage with Mike and Roy

The rich savory smell of rosemary makes you think of delicious Mediterranean food baking, but the smell of rosemary should actually make you think of a powerful natural anti-aging therapy. In fact, rosemary could be one of the key foods to slow down and even reverse many aspects of aging! Not only does this herb taste great in roasts, soups, stews and other dishes, but it is also a great source of iron, calcium, and vitamin B6—and some powerful anti-aging phytochemicals as well. Rosemary is pa...

July 7, 2016

Tone up your life

Life Enhancements Three Tips To Help You Take Incredible Care Of Your Body I listened as a client of mine, Dan, shared how he sees his care for his body. Dan has been down the road of getting older, developing pain, resolving his pain, and getting his body fitter than he ever has before. I thought what he was saying was so rad that I invited him to[..] Read more >> Take Your Shoes Off I've asked one of the most popular guest writers on Fit For Real Life to come back! You guys loved her art...

June 9, 2016

Your heart and exercise

Understanding how to keep your heart healthy should be the first thing we ever learn. It's the most vital to our survival and good health. Cardiac Health — Basics: We know that cardiac disease remains the #1 killer of the US adult population — but do you really get what's happening, why cholesterol might matter, and how to give yourself the best fighting chance against the new 'Bubonic Plague,' of sorts? Here are 3 little-known facts about cardiac disease that will likely change the wa...

May 5, 2016

May issue

Hi folks A number of clients are still uncertain about type two Diabetes what it is and its effects . In fact if you have it you are not Diabetic but you certainly will be unless you change some of your general living style habits as your pancreas is struggling to cope with the amount of sugar in your diet .Most people are having difficulty coming to terms with the unexpected added sugars in almost all paket, canned, bottled foods and the sugar you add is possible the smallest amout...

April 19, 2016

tight shoulders

READ THIS ARTICLE IF YOU ARE: sick of nagging shoulder and neck pain, shoulders that feel old and rusty and muscles that feel like they've been tied in knots... TIGHT SHOULDERS? 3 Reasons Why The Common Advice Won't Get You Anywhere... And The 6-Step Solution Hey, Eric Wong here, strength and conditioning coach to professional combat athletes including 3 UFC fighters and 2 national team boxers and coach to thousands via my online programs since 2008. Wow, I've been doing this online coaching ...

April 19, 2016 Posts 26-50 of 156 | Page prev next

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