
How to avoid the night munchies


350x251-late-night-snackingHow many times have you sat on the couch watching TV, mindlessly munching before suddenly realizing that the entire bag of chips or box of cookies is gone?

You realize it's not helping your weight loss efforts any, so WHY does this keep happening to you?

Fortunately, there are 4 things you can start doing to resist the urge to snack on unhealthy foods at night so that you can get your weight where you want it to be.

1. Eat a nutritious breakfast

You've probably heard it from me, and many others before, but eating a nutritious breakfast is so important, it can't be said enough. Those who don't are much more likely to be overweight.

When you skip breakfast, you're more likely to consume fewer healthy foods like fruits and veggies, and more likely to choose unhealthy options such as sweets and soft drinks.

Be sure your morning meal is made up of healthy fats, protein and fiber. That way, you'll feel fuller longer, and have more energy to get through the day. You'll also be less likely to have the urge to mindlessly snack in the evening.

Here's a quick formula for putting together a great breakfast:


If you're short on time, whip up a protein smoothie.

Just add a cup of water, a banana or a half-cup of berries, one tablespoon of almond butter, two scoops of protein powder, a handful of spinach and a half- cup of ice into your blender, and voila! Instant breakfast.
Another good option is scrambling up two free range eggs with organic baby spinach in a tablespoon of coconut oil. Add a side of fresh fruit and you'll be set – and, it only takes minutes to throw together!

2. Exercise instead

If munching on snacks while watching TV has become part of your regular routine, consider changing things up by exercising instead. You might practice a few yoga poses, do some planks or push-ups.


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