
Teething Amber Necklace

What Are Amber Teething

Necklaces and Are They Safe?

Have you ever seen those little strands of orange, irregularly shaped beads at your local baby shop? They're called amber teething necklaces, and they're sort of a big deal in some natural parenting communities. No matter where you fall on the hippie spectrum, you might have wondered what the deal is with these supposed magic teething necklaces. How do they work? Are they safe?

What Is Baltic Amber?

Did You Know?You can check the authenticity of an amber necklace by dropping it into salt water. Necklaces made from genuine Baltic amber will float

Are Amber Teething Necklaces Effective?

Unfortunately, we cannot definitively state whether these necklaces are effective. Most of the information relies heavily on anecdotal experience instead of scientific research. In fact, there are no formal studies that back the claims made about amber, Baltic or otherwise.

Still, you'll find hundreds of positive reviews on necklaces sold at top retailers. Parents all over the world are trying these necklaces in an attempt to calm their fussy infants, and it appears to be working for a large majority. It's important, though, to assess if the possible benefits outweigh the known risks.

What Are the Risks?

Though amber teething necklaces are regarded as relatively safe for even young babies, anytime you place something around your child's neck, you should pay special attention. You may find various amber wearables in your search, but make sure you buy a necklace that is made specifically for babies. These necklaces are designed with a special fastener that does not unscrew easily. This prevents your baby from tampering with it. A few necklaces even have a magnetic closure, which will release the loop if it gets caught on anything.

If you do decide to use an amber teething necklace, it's a good idea to take the necklace off your child before naps and at bedtime. Strangulation is the biggest risk with this type of product, and it's better to be safe than sorry. In a 2013 article published by The New York Times, the choking risk is also highlighted. In general, doctors don't recommend that babies wear any form of jewelry.


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