
The Labeling of AUTISM [ASD]

A brief history of Autism

The labelling of  Autism was first penned and described in 1943 by Dr Leo Kanner, a child psychiatrist at johns hopkins University of Medicine. Dr Kanner first coined the term autism to describe 11 children of his practice who preferred isolation to social engagement, made little eye contact with people, did not engage in imaginary play, and enjoyed routine, spinning toys, particularly wheels. Also, he believed that they were inborn disorders and had difficulty with social interrelation, often with an amazing ability for rote memory.

And it was another 20 years before it was taken up and recognised that despite  similar symptoms, Autism was a disorder distinct from childhood schizophrenia  in 1970
And it wasn't until 1980 before infantile autism received its own separate category.

Like all Labeled conditions that are formulated by putting together a collection of symptoms or behaviour patterns, there is great variation with each individual as there is with everyone. So a number of subheading letters are being added after ASD to describe the variable differences from so-called normal behaviour.


Why has there been a dramatic increase in Autism

Well there was no such thing before 1943 and not recognized  for another twenty years .and then  a major change in the way it was diagnosed  in 1994 when  the diagnosis was changed to include children  with milder symptoms  ,including those whose language is closer to the ave Joe.

So what do we do about it

It my opinion, one must return to the balancing of the person and not just the label.

If they are feeling emotional and highly reactive children, then they will be using a major amount of nervous energy that will require higher input to assist in building up a good percentage of nerve nutrition to lower their overactive actions and to balance better what properly isn't ASD but what is a normal major imbalance of minerals due to high level of demand that all so-called normal children require for bone growth, emotional interaction, sleep patterns and the like.

There is, in my opinion, a lesser connection with their physical body than what is normal and therefore spend lots of time out of it and become frustrated when distracted from their thoughts.

They tend to react more favourably by people joining them where they are and thus gaining their attention, whereas little joy is gained from having high expectations of them reacting to expectations of them performing in a so-called parrot-like normal manner.

other possible causes created since birth

I personally do not feel for instance that giving Vaccines is in itself a cause for Cancer  ADS or any other complaint I was given one as a child my children where not .you choose .Fear [disease] is the biggest cause of most complaints .



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